Stevie Wonder in Boston 6/22/08

The stage started off pretty empty itself when Wonder came on helped by his back-up singer (and daughter) Aisha Morris. Taking the mic, he began a long speech before playing a note, riffing on everything from the championship Celtics to Obama in a style humorous, but not altogether memorable. The crowd began to grow impatient with the rambling, but just when it looked like we were in for An Evening Chat with Stevie Wonder, the 13-piece band came out and he got down to it.
From the first few notes, he proved to everyone there that though age had receded his trademark braids a bit, it hadn’t sapped his energy. He bounced around his piano stool, and even occasionally walked around and climbed up on it – certainly not something you’d expect him to be doing. A performer as much as a songwriter, he led the audience in singing and clapping along so much you just wanted him to ignore us for a minute and play some music. If the tour circuit dries up, the man’s got a future in a Vegas residency.
Vocally, however, he proved less impressive. Though on target with the sound, hitting the notes and scat-riffing around familiar phrases, the diction was so unclear any words you didn’t already know were incomprehensible. I don’t know whether this is a result of age, or a standard issue when he leaves the cozy confines of the recording studio, but on songs where the sing-alongs weren’t drowning him out, it proved frustrating.

Such experimentation would not have gone over well with the temperamental crowd, however, as prone to wildly dance and shout during songs they knew as to go for beer breaks or check email during songs they didn’t. These outdoor venues are a boor on the music lover for a reason and, though you can’t fault those being there for the party over the performer, it makes focusing on the stage difficult. Wonder knew how to work the group though, drawing cheers for his imitation of the Boston accent and attentiveness for his inspirational messages about overcoming hardship, his own history implied but never stated. Eventually een he grew frustrated with the constant cat-calls though; after the fifth or sixth “I love you Stevie!” he shouted back “I can’t talk if you’re talking too!” like an exasperated kindergarten teacher.

For those that made it through that – or came back from the beer lines in time – that finale proved worth the wait. One crowd-pleaser after another was performed with the energy Wonder had built up in the slow section, a tipsy crowd dancing through the aisles despite the ushers' pleas to return to seats as hits like “Sir Duke” and “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” were wrung out for all they were worth. Working the crowd on fun singalongs – except when a radio contest winner came out to duet with him on "Superstition" and didn’t know the words – Wonder proved that, with a little more vocal and setlist care and a few less instruments on stage, he had the potential to entertain crowds on tours far more frequent than he undertakes today.
As If You Read My Mind
Masterblaster (Jammin’)
Did I Hear You Say You Love Me
All I Do
Knocks Me Off My Feet
Higher Ground
Don’t You Worry ‘Bout a Thing
Living for the City
Golden Lady
Keep Fooling Yourself, Baby Girl
Sweetest Somebody I Know
I’m Gonna Laugh You Out of My Life (Nat King Cole cover, daughter on vocals)
Isn’t She Lovely
Ribbon in the Sky
Have a Talk With God
My Cherie Amour
Signed, Sealed, Delivered
Sir Duke
I Wish
Do I Do
Living for the City (reprise)
Can't help but notice there's very little material from his last album a Time 2 Love. A shame really, his first decent record in decades. Looking forward to the Rotterdam show. I'm hoping for a better show than the one you describe however ;-)
Dude, Iloveyourblog
the ??? song is "sweetest Somebody I Know:
I saw a similar show last summer (07) when TIME 2 LOVE had just been released and he did not sing a SINGLE selection (Moon Blue is a fav). I have followed him since the "Fingertips" days, and in the 80's he once vowed not to sing anything before 1973 (including, "My Chere Amour")because he just didn't have enough time to present the new material. Somewhere along the way the "oldies" have won out. I do not waste my time and money on "nostalgia" acts. So I was right to follow my gut and not attend the Comcast show. I love him and his music, dearly, (I met him for 30 minutes in his hotel room on my 18th birthday in '73) but I will save my money for the CD'S until he cleans up his act!
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